By Lawrence G. McMillanThe broad market traded in a fairly tight range between 5560 and 5650 for eleven trading days. Eventually, after the Labor Day holiday, $SPX broke down sharply, losing 120...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe "new all-time highs" party on Wall Street is all set, except for one nagging problem: $SPX has attempted to move to new all-time highs several times, but has not been able...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThis article was originally published in The Option Strategist Newsletter Volume 13, No. 7 on April 9, 2004. The calendar spread is an interesting strategy, for...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe rally that began with an upward intraday reversal on August 5th continues to plow ahead. It has now brought $SPX back to nearly its all-time highs. The pattern of lower...
By Lawrence G. McMillanLawrence G. McMillan was recently featured on Chuck Jaffe's Money Life podcast where he discussed the current market environment. The interview includes Larry's thoughts on the...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe stock market's rally since bottoming out on August 5th has been historic. The speed with which the correction and the recovery have taken place is astounding. This type of...
By Lawrence G. McMillanAccounts that only trade futures and futures options got some good news this week: the CBOE Futures Exchange is going to list options on their volatility (VX) futures. You...