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Weekly Stock Market Commentary 3/31/2023

By Lawrence G. McMillan

A rather large dichotomy is emerging in this market: the chart of $SPX remains bearish, while most everything else is taking on a bullish slant. This has happened before, and usually the negativity of $SPX wins out. However, each market cycle is different to some extent, so we will continue to watch these rather interesting developments.

What Is Wrong With $VIX? (Preview)

By Lawrence G. McMillan

One of the questions that traders – both retail and professional – have been asking all throughout the bear market that began in January 2022 is “What Is Wrong With $VIX?” Everyone remembers the $VIX explosions during the crisis events over the years, but there is little memory of $VIX seemingly ignoring a bear market decline such as the 25% that has occurred in this bear market. In reality, there have been similar declines with a non-responsive $VIX before, but it is just not something that stands out in one’s memory like the upward spikes do. In this paper, we’ll look at some of those past occurrences and see if we can discern if there is indeed anything wrong with $VIX or not.

Weekly Stock Market Commentary 3/24/2023

By Lawrence G. McMillan

As for the $SPX chart, it once again shows a lower high and lower low, since that February top. Moreover, the latest rally attempt, which began on March 13th, appears to merely be an oversold rally. It sprang from several rather severe oversold conditions, and it has now run into trouble at or just above the declining 20-day Moving Average a "classic" oversold rally.

Weekly Stock Market Commentary 3/17/2023

By Lawrence G. McMillan

Stocks broke down early this past week, but found support in the same area as the late-December trading range. Specifically, $SPX broke down below 3930 and traded down into the 3760-3850 support area (the trading range from the end of last December). It found support there and bounced. There is still overhead resistance all the way through the zone from 4080 to 4200

Weekly Stock Market Commentary 3/10/2023

By Lawrence G. McMillan

Stocks are still reeling from the failed upside breakout over 4100 in February. You don't hear much about it in the financial media, but it is a large psychological weight on the market. Moreover, the resistance area that was left behind when the market retreated after its failure is strong, in the 4080 4200 area.

Weekly Stock Market Commentary 3/3/2023

By Lawrence G. McMillan

Prices edged lower this week, as the bulls are still reeling from the failed upside breakout that took place in February. After the breakout (whether you consider it to be over resistance at 4100 or whether you consider it to be the blue triangle in Figure 1), prices have pulled back below the apex of that triangle and volatility seems to be slowing down at least on a closing basis.
