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The "Protection Trade”: Will being long volatility and the market work?

By Lawrence G. McMillan

For quite some time now (perhaps since last November), we have been pointing out how the voracious appetite for volatility protection has had the effect of distorting the term structure of the $VIX futures.  Recently, though, this activity has branched out in a way that is only rarely seen in the markets: in short, large institutional traders are both buying stocks and buying volatility ETNs (thus, by inference, they are buying $VIX futures).

Weekly Commentary 8/24/2012

By Lawrence G. McMillan

For most of the last two weeks, the Standard & Poors 500 Index ($SPX) plowed ahead, finally making new post-2008 highs this past Tuesday.   Our intermediate-term indicators have been bullish for over two months now, so these new highs were in line with those indicators. However, as soon as the new highs were made, $SPX began to retreat, and an overbought correction now appears to be underway.

Weekly Commentary 8/17/2012

By Lawrence G. McMillan

This market is becoming the ultimate in defying bearish opinion. Since June 1st, $SPX has advanced almost exactly 150 points and is nearly back to the yearly highs -- and therefore at a post-2008 high. Yet, bearish opinion is still rather rampant.   

$SPX remains within the rising trading channel that extends back to early June (see Figure 1).  It is near the top of the channel, so in that sense, it is "overbought."

Equity-only put-call ratios continue to remain on buy signals.

The Charms of a Hated Rally

By Lawrence G. McMillan

(Barron's) - This bull market is rather unpopular—and that's good.

Since the rally began in early June, most investors and traders have doubted the advance because they were so afraid of Europe's debt crisis, U.S. economic problems, and even the U.S. presidential election.

Weekly Commentary 8/10/2012

By Lawrence G. McMillan

Stocks have rallied to the top of the bullish $SPX channel (see chart, Figure 1).  The top of the channel is at about 1410 currently, and the yearly highs are at 1420.  So, that area is likely to provide some resistance for now.

Meanwhile, equity-only put-call ratios remain bullish.

Market breadth indicators are on buy signals, having reversed negative signals from the previous week.

In focus: Bulls stay in control

By Lawrence G. McMillan

Bears are having trouble understanding why the stock market continues to rise, but in reality it’s due in part to the fact that there are still too many bears. Many of the people who would be sellers have already sold and are now sitting back waiting for the market to go down. That strategy rarely works.

Weekly Commentary 8/3/2012

By Lawrence G. McMillan

Almost like clockwork, the pendulum of this market swings back and forth within the bullish trading range that $SPX occupies.  As long as $SPX stays within this range, the overall picture is bullish.

However, this time around, we are starting to see some more deterioration in some other technical indicators.  In particular, the equity-only put-call ratios are beginning to seriously weaken. Moreover breadth indicators are on sell signals.

The hated bull market

By Lawrence G. McMillan

MORRISTOWN, N.J. (MarketWatch) — Since the broad stock market, as measured by the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, bottomed in early June, the ensuing rise has been met with doubt, skepticism, and even outright derision (dare we say “hate?”) in some cases.

Weekly Commentary 7/27/12

By Lawrence G. McMillan

This week's selling drove $SPX down to the lower end of its bullish trading channel (see Figure 1).  The selling managed to dissipate right near the lower channel, and so the bullish pattern is maintained.

Equity-only put-call ratios have remained bullish throughout this recent decline, just as they have generally remained bullish since generating intermediate-term buy signals right near the June stock market lows.

Market breadth wavered early in the week, but are back on buy signals now.

No one believes in this market - MarketWatch article

By Lawrence G. McMillan

MORRISTOWN, N.J. (MarketWatch) — As you may be aware, we’ve been bullish on the broad stock market since shortly after the early June lows.
