Special Situation Alerts is McMillan Analysis Corp.'s newsletter service designed for the alpha trader seeking to produce exceptional returns. Delivered each afternoon, the Special Situation Alerts provides option trading recommendations on unique trading opportunities based on our proprietary methodology. Trading recommendations are made when appropriate and are monitored closely throughout the life of the position.
Special Situation Trading and Event-Driven Trading are two of McMillan Analysis Corp.'s powerful trading approaches. The stocks chosen are based on a filter that helps identify special-situation stocks according to potential return relative to the risks, probability, and several other deciding factors. The newsletter features independent, original, and thoughtful research, providing insight into the process of wealth creation.
This newsletter puts the analysis in your hands and enables you to trade using our methodology.
There are always companies in the market that look terrible, while others look like they’ll never retreat. The first instinct for the regular trader is to go with the crowd, however, trading in these stocks can be worthwhile when you structure the trade in the correct way.
Event-Driven Trading is focused on specific criteria in temporary stock mispricings, or consistent recurring patterns which can occur for a number of reasons. Markets can overreact or underreact to particular news and this strategy exploits the tendency of a company’s stock price to suffer during a period of change.
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Free Trial Subscriptions are not renewed automatically. Paid Trial Subscriptions will renew at the shortest subscription length offered (e.g. monthly / quarterly). Paid auto-renew subscriptions are set to automatically renew monthly, quarterly, or annually for your convenience and to avoid any interruption of service.
© 2025 The Option Strategist | McMillan Analysis Corporation