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By Lawrence G. McMillanThe Standard & Poor’s 500 Index was not able to make new highs over the past week. In fact, selling set in and knocked the market down. However, there is still a...
Trading has begun on the CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE) in Gold Volatility futures. If you’ll recall, a VIX-like calculation can be made on any set of option prices on an individual stock, as long...
The market has spent nearly the entire week in a tight range, frustruating both bulls and bears.Equity-only put-call ratios have continued to remain on buy signals, despite some occasional heavy put...
Many of the major indexes have already made new post-2008 highs. This includes the Dow Jones Industrial Averag, the Russell 2000 Index, and the Value Line Index. The latter two are actually making...
Several new volatility products have recently entered the market or will soon be listed for trading. The most promising of these is the new set of contracts to be listed on the Chicago Board Options...
The rumor mill is running overtime lately, with takeover talk on the upswing in the markets. Most rumors don't lead to signed and sealed deals, and actual transactions aren't much discussed in...
$SPX has not made new highs (yet), but it has broken out above the 20-day moving average, the downtrend line from the highs, and the short-term resistance that had developed in the 1300-1320 area....
The broad stock market, as measured by the S&P 500 Index (SPXSM) finally had a pullback.  However, the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) responded only in a modest upward fashion.  As a...
When a bullish market is too steady for too long, overbought conditions occur. These are normal and are usually worked off by a (perhaps) sharp, but short-lived correction. However, there are other...
The following Market Commentary is an abbreviated version of the commentary featured in The Option Strategist Newsletter. $SPX fell rather sharply in the days after it made a new high on November 5th...
