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By Lawrence G. McMillanThe feature article is a relatively short one, discussing the various January seasonal patterns that exist.  Most of the article deals with the end-of-the-month “...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe period between late October and the end of January is replete with seasonal trades. In late October, we had the “October seasonal” buy, followed by the...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe market continues to be volatile, with $SPX bounding from support at 1990 to resistance at 2065 swiftly in the past four days. Outside of that range, there is further...
By Lawrence G. McMillanTuesdays after three-day weekends often produce wide swings.  Yesterday was no exception.  A higher opening was almost immediately followed by severe selling –...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe stock market has experienced huge moves so far this year far greater than have been seen since the fall of 2011. There has been a lot of back forth action, but the bears...
The feature article is our annual assessment of last year’s recommendations.  Not only are the results broken down in a great deal of detail, but there is some commentary on what might be...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe market has been on a rather wild ride for over a month now. With the action of the last two days, our indicators have swung back to a bullish status, for the most part.The...
Investing Editor of CNBC.com John Melloy recently wrote an article for CNBC Pro exploring popular stock market correction strategies. Ryan Brennan of McMillan Analysis Corp. was quoted in the...
By Lawrence G. McMillanStocks stumbled into year end, with a couple of down days, the second of which was downright nasty. But was this just illiquid, year-end manipulation (as the bulls suggest) or...
By Lawrence G. McMillanFrankly, I don’t put much credence in long-term projections, and neither should you.  How many people have you seen on TV making predictions without the least amount...
