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Options for Volatile Markets:  Managing Volatility and Protecting Against Catastrophic Risk, the follow up to Richard Lehman and Lawrence G. McMillan's New Insights on Covered Call Writing...
By Lawrence G. McMillanMonday was a monster up day – yet another 90% up day.   That’s two 90% up days in the last three trading days, which means that the market is short-term...
By Lawrence G. McMillanIf the title of this article looks familiar, it’s because we’ve used it once before – on Volume 17, No. 19, published on October 10, 2008.  So, one can...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThis decline has been one of the swiftest on record, coming from a period of relative calm and even somewhat positive technical indicators.  The selling that has taken...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe market, after some nasty downside fakeouts, finally staged the oversold rally that we – and many others – had been expecting.  In slightly less than an...
By Lawrence G. MCMillanIt is almost unfathomable to think that, exactly a mere two weeks ago, $SPX was at 1345 and there were thoughts that an upside breakout was possible.  Now, two weeks later...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe last two weeks seem like they took two months. It’s hard to believe, but two weeks ago, the Standard & Poor’s 500 was near the high end of its range, with...
By Lawrence G. McMillanMORRISTOWN, N.J. (MarketWatch) — Heading into Tuesday, I didn’t think the market could act any worse, but it did. It’s almost impossible to fathom that the...
By Lawrence G. McMillanWith the current uncertainty in the stock market, the $VIX index has once again received a lot of financial media coverage.  Last week we recommended the purchase of $VIX...
By Lawrence G. McMillanSuddenly, the stock market started to develop "religion" about the U.S. debt situation, and sold off sharply this week.      In one sense, this is like any other...
