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By Lawrence G. McMillanThere are several ways to measure an overbought market, and we’ll review many of them in this article. It is common knowledge that overbought markets eventually sell off...
By Lawrence G. McMillanMORRISTOWN, N.J. (MarketWatch) — After drifting sideways in a state of virtual somnambulation, the stock market finally broke out to the upside Thursday.It is now well...
By Lawrence G. McMillanAfter drifting sideways in a state of virtual somnambulation, the stock market finally broke out to the upside Thursday.  Based solely on the chart breakout, everything...
By Lawrence G. McMillanAfter we last published The Option Strategist Newsletter, volatility spiked sharply higher for one day and then plunged.  The plunge coincided with the passage of the...
By Lawrence G. McMillanDespite overbought conditions, the market closed at a new post-2008 high.  The breakout on the $SPX chart is not definitive yet, as it has just edged above the 2012 highs...
By Lawrence G. McMillan MORRISTOWN, N.J. (MarketWatch) — The action of the stock market, as measured by the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index over the past couple of weeks, has been...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThanks to a jittery market and some hijinks from our elected representatives in Washington, DC, the stock market had one of its biggest whipsaws this week.  These...
By Lawrence G. McMillanLast year, in discussing the second possible longer-term path for the market, I said “if this scenario were to play out, the market would bottom sometime in early 2012,...
It’s that time of the year when reviews and forecasts are prevalent.  As most of our subscribers know, for our purposes this is an exercise in theory more than practice, for we don’t...
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe stock market, as measured by the S&P 500 Index ($SPX) has fallen about 40 points since mid-December.  Much of this decline has come as the media beats the drum...
