By Lawrence G. McMillanThe stock market had just about everything going for it in technical terms this week, but then the fundamentalists delivered a nasty blow today (Thursday, June 21st)....
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe stock market finally responded to a broad set of positive technical indicators and has broken out to the upside. The individual pieces began to fall into place last week,...
Larry McMillan was recently interviewed by Wall Street Journal's Wall Street Subscriptions website. Read the interview below: Lawrence McMillan is best known within trading circles for his Options...
By Lawrence G. McMillanMORRISTOWN, N.J. (MarketWatch) — The stock market has an extremely impressive set of buy signals going for it. If the bulls can’t capitalize on this, it’s not...
By Lawrence G. McMillanAt the current time, there are arguably more extreme sentiment readings in the “macro” markets than at any time in recent memory. Macro markets, as defined by...
By Lawrence G. McMillanhe technical picture continues to improve -- especially in the area of put-call ratios. However, $VIX is still elevated and $SPX is still trapped in a trading range....
By Lawrence G. McMillanThe stock market has virtually alternated strong up and down days of late, without much net change. This has created a trading range, within which we’ve seen a good deal...
By Lawrence G. McMillanAfter some relatively heavy, but orderly, selling in the past few weeks, oversold conditions finally reached levels that spawned a sharp oversold rally. But oversold...
By Lawrence G. McMillanAfter some relatively heavy, but orderly, selling in the past few weeks, oversold conditions finally reached levels that spawned today’s sharp oversold rally. But...