This article was originally published in The Option Strategist Newsletter Volume 11, No. 16 on August 22, 2002.
The sale of naked options is a strategy that is probably over-used, in general. However, at the current time, with options remaining expensive, but with the skews lessening, volatility traders’ thoughts should turn more towards selling options these days. This is one of the riskiest option strategies, since losses could be large – even theoretically unlimited. However, the probabilities of such losses occurring might be lessened and the overall profitability turned in favor of the option seller. In this article, we’ll look at the specifics behind writing naked options successfully.
Many novice option traders are tempted to write naked options because they are under the delusion that most options expire worthless. In fact, only about 30% of all options expire worthless (see box, page 5). Of course, one can sell deeply out-of-the-money options – those most likely to expire worthless – and increase those odds quite a bit, but even in those cases, it’s easy to get into trouble if you’re not careful. In my experience, only the most disciplined and experienced option traders are capable of managing a naked option selling strategy, and even then they run the risk of burnout. One floor trader, who had specialized in naked option writing for years, finally gave it up. He told me he was “tired of wishing his life away – always wishing it was the next expiration day, so my options would expire.” So, we’ll look at what makes a successful option seller.
I’ll tell you one thing right off the bat – the successful option seller doesn’t sell naked options all the time. Doing that ensures that one will eventually be in the way of a freight train as it roars down the track (Crash of ‘87, October ‘98 or the summer of 2002). One needs to know when to use the strategy and when not to. We’ll address this topic as well.
The attractiveness of naked option writing includes, among other things, the fact that time decay works in your favor, that out-of-the-money options are often over-priced, and that existing equity can be used to fund the strategy. The biggest risk, of course, is that losses can be large, and that chaotic moves can occur with surprising frequency.
Your brokerage firm will require certain things. First, you must have a margin account. Second, you must have a minimum equity – which for some firms (obviously not interested in having their clients pursue naked writing) could be as high as $100,000. Most will be lower, although they could still be $15,000 or $20,000. Finally, your broker will require that you request and be approved for a higher level of option trading – level 3.
As stated earlier, the equity in your account – the loan value of stocks and bonds – can be used to finance your naked writing. The requirements are margin equity requirements, designed to ensure the broker that any risk engendered by the naked writing can be covered by the excess equity in the account. The broker does not actually loan you any money as he would if stock were being bought on margin, for example.
The margin requirement to sell a naked option is: (P x stock price + option price - oom amount) x SPO where P = 20% for stock options; 15% for index SPO = shares per option (usually, 100) Oom means out-of-money The above formula notwithstanding, the minimum margin requirement is 10% x stock price x SPO. Example: XYZ = 52 Nov 60 call = 3 Margin requirement = (0.2 x 52 + 3 - 8) x 100 = $540 (greater than minimum: 0.1 x 52 x 100 = $520)
Furthermore, naked options are marked to the market daily for the purpose of re-computing the margin requirement. Thus, if XYZ stock in the preceding example started to rise, the margin requirement would increase:
Assume that the following XYZ stock and Nov 60 call prices existed on that dates indicated, as the stock went into a strong bullish mode:
StockPrc OptionPrc .2xstk oom Total 52 (initial) 3 10.4 –8 $540 57 (5 days later) 5 11.4 –3 $1340 60 (15 days later) 6 12.0 0 $1800 70 (30 days later) 11 14.0 0 $2500
So, the margin requirement would nearly quintuple as the stock rose 18 points. In reality, the loss is $800 (the option was sold for 3 and is now trading at 11). Perhaps it would be best to close it out and release the margin for another trade.
In general, futures option margin is lower than index option margin. This is really only comparable when discussing S&P 500 options, where one might be a seller of $OEX or $SPX options, but might get better use out of his money if he were to sell S&P 500 futures options.
Futures option margin, at its most advantageous, is based on SPAN margin. However, even if your broker does not allow you to trade on SPAN margin requirements, it is likely that the “old” futures margin requirements will be less than the CBOE-style index margin requirements for selling a naked option.
The “old” futures margin requirements were (are):
futures margin + option premium – ½ oom amount.
Example: $SPX = 900 Dec 850 put = 5 CBOE-style Index requirement: (0.15 x 900 + 5 – 50) x 100 = $9000 “Old” futures margin: $22,000* + (5 x 250**) – (½ x 50 x 250**) = $17,000 *: futures margin for SP’s may vary **: SP futures are worth $250 per point
To compare these directly, though, one must adjust for the fact that the CBOE options are for $100 per point while the futures options are $250 per point. Dividing the “old” futures margin requirement by 2.5 will accomplish this. Thus, we have:
CBOE-style margin: $9000
“Old” futures margin equivalent: $6800
And, in fact, SPAN margin for futures options will generally be less than that. So, the futures market is more advantageous. One is taking the same risk in terms of the index falling and premiums inflating, so why not invest the lesser amount of money? It will increase your returns.
We have addressed this topic many times in past editions of The Option Strategist, but these qualities bear repeating. You can be considered “suitable” for naked writing only if 1) you are psychologically able to withstand having positions with potentially unlimited risk in place, 2) you have the financial resources necessary to margin the position properly (more, later), and 3) you have the trading experience to adhere rigidly to stops and to monitor your position at all times.
In this regard, we are going to discuss option writing as a strategy – as a branch of volatility trading, not as a way to acquire stock below current market prices (which is what people often say of writing naked puts). We are not talking about writing puts on stocks you “wouldn’t mind owning” (which, in fact, you do mind owning if they get put to you).
The five major strategy points are:
Example: SPX = 908 Sept 750 put = 5 Initial CBOE margin: (.15 x 908 + 5 – 158) x 100 = –$1680, But minimum margin = $9080 Margin if index falls to 750: Assume that the put is now trading at 30, due to a massive increase in implied volatility as the market falls rapidly. The margin at 750 would then be: (.15 x 750 + 30) x 100 = $14,250 So, if you allow the larger amount, you won’t receive a margin call as long as the index stays above 750. Note: this example used CBOE-style margin, whereas futures margin would have reduced both figures.
If you adhere to these five rules, you should be able to operate a profitable naked option selling strategy. It is sometimes possible that a ratio spread – which also involves naked options – might improve profits, if you are able to predict in which direction the underlying might move. But, for a pure volatility play, the naked write is best (credit spreads, in my opinion, are a waste of time because you sell an expensive option and then turn around and buy an [even more] expensive option to hedge it with – sort of like spinning your wheels).
This article was originally published in The Option Strategist Newsletter Volume 11, No. 16 on August 22, 2002.
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